The top two are from my drive home from work last week. Tonight John and I finished planting all the hens and chicks to give away at our wedding. I'll be a married woman in a month and I can't wait.
A volunteer Orrilla was giving out hugs at a local nursing/rehab place. Today was Bingo day in the cafeteria. This is volunteer week. When is the last time you thanked someone for helping out?
It's been a while...I've been busy but here are a few that jumped out at me while I was fishing through the archives. There was a painting party at the library, a guy that tries to get class rings back to their owners, the fishing around here has picked up, Mary makes birdhouse kits for vets and the white fish are biting. The next month is going to fly by but I'll try and keep this thing a little more up to date.