I met Lillian by chance, fate some would call it. She was at the Smiths Creek Jazz Festival, one those events that used to be the one thing each summer that everyone looked forward to. There were memories of great music and even better food but for one reason or another the event just fizzled out. That is for a hand full of people who would show up every year even if there were nothing to see. After talking with the Peacock family I learned that they grew up neighbors to my relatives on Palms Road. When I asked Lillian how old she was I was surprised and thrilled by her response." I was born Oct. 12, 1922" she said. "Thats my birthday I said." "It was mine first," she joked with her old lady laugh. As the blues tunes started jamming Lillian got up to dance. "I've been dancing on stage since the age of 12," she said while shaking her hips like someone three times younger, " I ain't going anywhere till the good Lord takes me." I got her address, I think I'll send her a birthday card.
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