Monday, July 5, 2010

And what a fine place it is.

It's been a long couple of days as the only photographer working and normally this would cause quite a bit of frustration which would eventually lead to anger but the assignments this weekend were really all about celebrating who we are as a country and where we are going. It's nice to just take a step back sometimes and appreciate the individuality of our great country and what allows us to maintain it. The first frame is of a woman giving me a tour of her neighborhood which she has worked for several years to try and take back from the drug dealers and the gangs which use her street on a daily basis.

The second two are from the Lexington Parade. there were so many people lining the street for such a little town.

And this last guy just got back from California after serving in the military and couldn't wait to leap into the water of the St. Clair River.

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