Sunday, February 28, 2010

Keep on driving

“When you’re about to give up…don’t give up, just keep on driving,” the Rev. Roger Carson preached to members of his church and the community Sunday. I spent part of the afternoon listening to messages of perseverance and keeping a faith. “He may not come when you want him, but he’s always on time.”

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Friday, February 26, 2010

BOYS Basketball

Most of the season I have covered girls basketball but tonight I was lucky enough to pick up a boys game. Although there is nothing wrong the floor game girls tend to play it's nice to see a good drive to the basket now and again. I've shot a lot of hoops in the last 3 months but I think this is one of the best frames of the season. it's the expression on that kid's face after getting fouled that I think makes the frame.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Snow day

It's winter, It snows in the winter, I make photos of people living in the winter... I caught Jordan and his grandfather in a snowball fight outside in their front yard. The little guy could bring it.

Thursday, February 18, 2010


When I called the office this afternoon I was told I needed to shoot a portrait of Samuel Chapman, 76 a man who had marched in a Civil Rights movement through the streets of Port Huron in his younger years. When I walked in the front door I looked to the right and seen the walls covered in photographs of his children and grandchildren and the light was wonderful coming in the south window, I knew this was the place he needed to be. I listened to the words that made up his faded memories, he often paused to chase the words through his mind before apologizing about not being able to recall all of the details, but I'm sure the pride he felt while marching is as vivid as the birth of his children. I just love hearing stories from those who have lived a lifetime.


It's mid February and I have only been to the local sledding hill once so far this season. If you wait around long enough at the bottom something good is bound to head strait for you. Here is one from last Sunday. An assignment fell through and I only had about 20 minutes of daylight before I had to head to a hockey game.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Another year

I had Leslie out for dinner for her birthday Wednesday and made the traditional birthday photo of her with her cake. I think I enjoy it just as much as She does.

Sunday, February 7, 2010


So every winter like any other season right of passage the ice starts to flow and usually makes all the way to the southern end of the county before jamming up the St. Clair River. Today was different, it's jammed nearly all the way to Lake Huron. According to Ralph, one of those super cool guys that has worked a million years as a photographer at the paper, the ice hasn't piled up this far north in nearly 30 years. Here's a look a look south and nothing but ice as far as the eye can see.

Here's to posting again

Well it's February... I think I've been away for long enough.

Carol is one of my biggest fans which I have a hard time believing because I have only photographed her twice in my life. Once for some Christmas food story and Last week when I talked her into getting all gussied up to shoot a Super Bowl food story illustration. I couldn't believe how much she got into it.

Two weeks ago the ice drags were rained out, in Michigan, in January. It was super icy with all that water on top of the snow and as one pregnant mama I was not a happy camper when I drew the assignment. Today was much better. There was more snow than ice around the track but far fewer racing fans in the stands. I guess thats what happens when you try to compete with something like the Super Bowl.

Fred made his appearance at an Armada basketball game sporting a construction barrel. I could not help but make a photos. Here is Fred taking a gander at the score board just before halftime The tigers were down 36-35 against the Blue Devils but came back for the win and first place so far this season in the league.